Tuesday 3 June 2008

A Cornish Artist

John Anthony Park wass one of the early founders of the St Ives School of painters.
He originly came from a northern working class background and was found of painting on the edge , that is views of boats in harbours and the effecr of light on water, he was perhaps fortunate in meeting one of the founders of The St ives School of painting, Julies Ollson . it was therfore remarkable that within six years he was showing at the Royal Acadamy Acadameyiohn anthony Park,
There is also a story of him painting and two ladies standing near him lppking, One said to the other " I still cannot see the colours". he replied"No but i bet you wish you could!"
The above was based from john Anthony park and The painters of light st ives 1900-1950by Austin Wormleighton published by Bss printers

New Start

The first image for a
artythings1 note change of name